A.A. Golden West College, 1971
B.A. Biology, California State University, Fullerton, 1974
M.A. Biology, California State University, Fullerton, 1977
Ph.D. Biology, University of New Mexico, 1982
M.A. Density, activity, and home range in the rodents of a Pinyon Woodland. Directed by James Dale Smith.
Ph.D. An ecological and morphological analysis of lizard community structure. Directed by James S. Findley.
1970-1976 Machinist, Mechanic, Steelworker: Kaiser Aerospace, H&L Tooth and High Precision Forge, SoCal Edison Co.
1974-1976 Teaching Assistant, California State University Fullerton
1976-1982 Teaching Assistant, Instructor, Prosection Team Leader, University of New Mexico.
1983-1984 Assistant Professor, New Mexico Military Institute.
1984-2012 Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Southeast Missouri State University
BBC Wildlife on 1: Gliders in the Dark 1995
Outside Magazine
Journal of Experimental Biology . April 2007 Cover
National Geographic: Wild Mississippi 2012
BioScience - November 2012 Cover
Animal Planet - Turtleman's Kentucky 2014
National Geographic: Super Squirrel 2015
Smithsonian Channel: America's Mississippi 2018
1. Scheibe, J. S. 1984. The effects of weather, sex and season on the nocturnal activity of Peromyscus truei (Rodentia). Southwestern Naturalist, 29(1): 1-5.
2. Scheibe, J. S. 1984. Sexual differences in the home ranges of Peromyscus truei and Dipodomys panamintinus (Rodentia). Southwestern Naturalist, 29(1): 7-13.
3. Scheibe, J. S. 1985. Ecological characteristics of small mammals at three sites in southeast Missouri. Transactions, Missouri Academy of Science, 19:31-40.
4. Scheibe, J. S. 1987. Climate, competition and the structure of temperate zone lizard communities. Ecology, 68(5): 1424-1436.
5. Kullberg, R. G. and J. S. Scheibe. 1989. The effects of succession on niche breadth and overlap in a hot spring algal community. American Midland Naturalist, 121: 21-31.
6. Scheibe, J. S., D. Figgs, and J. Heiland. 1990. Morphological attributes of gliding rodents: a preliminary analysis. Transactions, Missouri Academy of Science, 24: 49-55.
7. Abner, S. R., C. L. Frazier, J. S. Scheibe, R. A. Krol, R. M. Overstreet, W. W. Walker, and W. E. Hawkins. 1994. Chronic inflammatory lesions in two small fish species, Medaka (Oryzias latipes) and Guppy (Poecilia reticulata), used in carcinogeneiss bioassays. pp 219-233 in Modulators of Fish Immune Responses. Volume 1. Models for Environmental Toxicology, Biomarkers, Immunostimulators. (J. S. Stolen and T. C. Fletcher eds.). SOS Publications. Fair Haven, NJ.
8. Journet, A. R. P., C. M. Stanley, C. C. Young, and J. S. Scheibe. 1994. Cognitive development in college biology laboratory in relation to course design and gender. Transactions, Missouri Academy of Science, 28:39-54.
9. Scheibe, J. S., and M. J. O’Farrell. 1995. Habitat dynamics in Peromyscus truei: eclectic females, density dependence, or reproductive constraints? Journal of Mammalogy, 76(2):368-375.
10. Essner, R. L. Jr., A. J. Hendershott, and J. S. Scheibe. 1995. LCTA Wets Site, Wapapello, Butler County, Missouri. Missouri Herpetological Association Newsletter, 8:14.
11. Scheibe, J. S. 1997. The effects of daily and seasonal temperature variation on a model of competing lizard species. Pages 157-171 In Life Among the Muses: Papers in Honor of James S. Findley. (T. L. Yates, W. L. Gannon, and D. E. Wilson eds.). The Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
12. Scheibe, J. S. and J. H. Robins. 1998. Morphological and performance attributes of gliding mammals. Pp 131-144 in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Tree Squirrels (M. A. Steele, J. F. Merritt, and D. A. Zegers, eds.). Virginia Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 6. 310pp.
13. Addington, T., J. S. Scheibe, and A. J. Hendershott. 2000. Planar surface area and launch performance in Glaucomys volans. Pp. 199-212 in The Biology of Gliding Mammals (R. Goldingay and J. S. Scheibe eds.). Filander Press, Germany.
14. Essner, R. L. Jr. and J. S. Scheibe. 2000. A comparison of scapular shape in flying squirrels using relative warp analysis (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Pp. 213-228 in The Biology of Gliding Mammals (R. Goldingay and J. S. Scheibe eds.). Filander Press, Germany.
15. Keith, M. K., J. S. Scheibe, and A. J. Hendershott. 2000. Launch dynamics in Glaucomys volans. Pp. 185-198 in The Biology of Gliding Mammals (R. Goldingay and J. S. Scheibe eds.). Filander Press, Germany.
16. Robins, J. H., J. S. Scheibe, and K. Laves. 2000. Sexual size dimorphism and allometry in southern flying squirrels, Glaucomys volans. Pp. 229-248 in The Biology of Gliding Mammals (R. Goldingay and J. S. Scheibe eds.). Filander Press, Germany.
17. Scheibe, J. S. and R. L. Essner Jr. 2000. Pelvic shape in gliding rodents: implications for the launch. Pp. 167-184 in The Biology of Gliding Mammals (R. Goldingay and J. S. Scheibe eds.). Filander Press, Germany.
18. Dundee, H. A., and J. S. Scheibe. 2000. Bolitoglossa yucatana. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 702:1-3. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.
19. Scheibe, J. S. and E. Lenihan. 2001. Morphometric analysis of anomalurid rodents. Journal of Morphology 248(3): 281. (Abstract only)
20. Scheibe, J. S. and R. Henson. 2003. The distribution of swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) in southeast Missouri. Southeastern Naturalist 2:327-334.
21. Barko, V. A., D. P. Herzog, R. A. Hrabik, and J. S. Scheibe. 2004. Relationship among fish assemblages and main channel border physical habitats in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:371-384.
22. Herzog, D. P., V. A. Barko, J. S. Scheibe, R. A. Hrabik and D. E. Ostendorf. 2005. Efficacy of a benthic trawl for sampling small-bodied fishes in large river systems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25: 594-603.
23. Crosland, M. J., John S. Scheibe, and Nan-Yao Su. 2006. Soldier production strategy in lower termites: a simpler alternative hypothesis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 239: 123-127.
24. Scheibe, J. S., Winston P. Smith, J. Bassham, and D. Magness. 2006. Locomotor performance and cost of transport in the northern flying squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus. Acta Theriologica 51(2): 169-178.
25. Scheibe, J. S., K. A. Paskins, S. Ferdous, and D. Birdsill. 2007. Kinematics and functional morphology of leaping, landing, and branch use in Glaucomys sabrinus. Journal of Mammalogy 88(4): 850-861.
26. Paskins, K., A. Bowyer, W. M. Megill, and J. S. Scheibe. 2007. Takeoff and landing forces and the evolution of controlled gliding in northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus). Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1413-1423.
27. Flaherty, E. A., J. S. Scheibe, and R. Goldingay. 2008. Locomotor performance in the squirrel glider, Petaurus norfolcensis, and the sugar glider, Petaurus breviceps. Australian Mammalogy 30(1).
28. Fratto, Z. W., C. A. Barko, and J. S. Scheibe. 2008. Development and efficacy of a bycatch reduction device for Wisconsin-type Fyke nets deployed in freshwater systems. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7 (2): 205-212.
29. Pajda, J., P. Singh, and J. S. Scheibe. 2013. Study of a swamp rabbit metapopulation: The incidence function model approach. International Journal of Ecology and Development 25 (2): 1-20.
30. Eisinger, J. W., J. S. Scheibe and E. A. Flaherty. 2016. Novel Glaucomys volans vocalizations in Indiana and evidence of geographic variation in high-frequency communication. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1219-1227.
31. Buszkiewicz, J. T., Q. E. Phelps, S. J. Tripp, D. P. Herzog and J. S. Scheibe. 2016. Documentation of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817) recovery and spawning success from a restored population in the Mississippi River, Missouri, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32: 1016–1025.
32. Scheibe, J. S. and N. D. Moncrief. 2016. Morphometric divergence and functional similarity in Sciurus vulgaris and Sciurus caronlinensis. Pp. 79-95 in Grey Squirrels: Ecology & Management of an Invasive Species in Europe (C. Shuttleworth, J. Gurnell and P. Lurz, Ed).
33. Fantz, D. K., I. W. Vining, J. S. Scheibe, R. N. Gillespie and P. H. Marley. 2017. Swamp Rabbit Distribution on the Northern Edge of their Range in Missouri. Southeastern Naturalist 16: 614–628