Graduate Students in John's Lab
1. Vic A. Moss. 1990. Morphological differences as a measure of convergnce in Peromyscus maniculatus and Peromyscus leucopus in Southeast Missouri.
2. Daylan W. Figgs. 1990. The structure and diversity of small mammal communities in Southeast Missouri: A test of hypotheses.
3. Dr. Jim H. Robins. 1994. Morphology and performance in the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys volans.
4. Dana L. Fritsche. 1995. Aspects of thermoregulation in the Three-Toed Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis).
5. Dr. Clay E. Corbin. 1995. Morphological structure of deciduous forest bird communities in Southeast Missouri: A test of the competition hypothesis.
6. Jeff Sadler. Did not finish
7. Kenny W. Hardin Jr. 1996. Distribution of Blarina in Southeast Missouri.
8. A. J. Hendershott. 1996. Locomotor performance and energetics in the Flying Gecko (Ptychozoon kuhli).
9. Dr. Rick L. Essner Jr. 1996. Morphological evolution of the scapula in flying squirrels (Petauristinae).
10. Wendy S. Suchland. 1998. Patch dynamics of the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys volans.
11. Tiffani M. Addington. 1998. Planar surface area and launch performance in the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys volans.
12. Dr. Monica M. Keith. 1998. Launch dynamics in Glaucomys volans.
13. Bryant Wright. 2000. Locomotor performance and cost of transport in the Sugar Glider, Petaurus breviceps.
14. Dr. Denise Leonard. 2000. Habitat utilization, vocalization, and social dominance in a colony of captive sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps).
15. Ben Russell. 2004. Geographic variation in the life history of the mole salamander.
16. Erin Lenihan. In progress. Geometric morphometric analysis of the Anomaluridae.
17. Jamie Young. In progress. Sexual selection in Anolis.
18. Jill Bassham. 2002. Locomotor performance and cost of transport in Glaucomys sabrinus.
19. Rebecca Henson. 2002. The distribution of swamp rabbits in Southeast Missouri.
20. Dr. Liz Flaherty. 2002. Locomotor performance and cost of transport in Petaurus norfolcensis.
21. Dr. Shobnom Ferdous. 2004. Launch kinetics in Glaucomys sabrinus.
22. Danielle Birdsill. 2004. Peak landing forces in Glaucomys sabrinus.
23. James Knapp. 2004. Geometric morphometrics of Blarina (Insectivora: Soricidae) in Missouri.
24. Jennifer Shaw. 2004. The energetic cost of climbing in Petaurus breviceps.
25. Sandy Armstrong. 2004. Passive acoustic sampling of bats.
26. Jason Stephens. 2004. Aerodynamics of the tail in Glaucomys volans.
27. Len Berry. In progress. The distributional limits of swamp rabbits in Missouri.
28. Jonathon Freezer. 2005. Efficacy of Thermochron i-buttons in the assessment of nest box occupancy by sciurids.
29. Melissa Keeler. 2006. Comparative anatomy of the pelvic musculature of flying squirrels and tree squirrels.
30. Zack Fratto. 2006. Efficacy of turtle exclusion devices on passive fishing techniques in freshwater systems.
31. Kelli McFarland. 2004. Geometric morphometrics of the anomalurid jaw.
32. Rachel Arnold. 2006. Effects of prey intake on ontogenetic allometry in Boa constrictor.
33. Darby Caton. 2006. Behavioral response to predation, and foraging behavior in the Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus).
34. Craig Gump. 2007. Peak take-off forces in the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps).
35. Dan Wood. 2007. A comparison of mercury and other trace element concentrations among eggs of two species of ducks in the Mingo basin.
36. Joe Ridings. 2007. Efficacy of the brail trawl for capturing fishes of the benthic community in three rivers in Southeastern Missouri.
37. Meghann Humphries. 2008. Efficacy of relative warp analysis to identify individual wolves based on tracks.
38. Shannon Baker. 2006. Giving-up densities and predation threat in gray squirrels - using a revised approach to evaluating foraging behavior.
39. Mike Logan. 2008. Time energy budgets of northern flying squirrels in a semi-natural enclosure.
40. Kathleen Meere. 2009. Analysis of positional behavior in primates.
41. Paul White. Did not finish.
42. Collin Beachum. 2009. Investigation of morphological variation in body shape of Phoxinus erythrogaster, the Southern Redbelly Dace, using geometric morphometric analysis.
43. Megan Youngblood. 2010. Passive acoustic survey techniques for northern flying squirrels.
44. Matt Winnick. In progress.
45. Patrick Mitsdarfer. 2011. Passive acoustic sampling for flying squirrels on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.
46. Josh Hager. 2011. Habitat Use of Swamp Rabbits on Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
47. Mike Robins. 2011. Temporal and seasonal patterns of anuran activity at Trail of Tears State Park, Missouri.
48. Nate Todt. 2012. Behavioral analysis of vocalizations in Glaucomys sabrinus.
49. Cody Essner. 2012. Take-off Kinematics in Southern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys volans).
50. Cody Dicks. 2011. The distribution of swamp rabbits in Southeast Missouri.
51. Leah Heady. 2012. Foraging behavior of northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) and southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) in captivity.
52. Britny Kussman. 2012. An assessment of mercury contamination in red eared sliders at Mingo national Wildlife Refuge
53. Anna Weyers. 2014. Establishment of feral hogs on Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
54. Ryan Hupfeld. 2013. Paddlefish population characteristics of major mid-western rivers and reservoirs.
55. Elizabeth Mooneyhan. 2017. Phylogenetic comparison of canid vocalization.
56. Wyat Balcer. Dental microwear as a function of diet in Homo.
57. Charlie White. 2015. Wildlife diversity response to artificial structures.
58. Chrissy Rohr. 2015. Effects of relative population size and habituation on vigilance in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus).
59. Chelsea Burns. 2014. Morphometric analysis of dentary shape in the Phalangeriformes: Evidence for adaptation to diet.
60. Jodi Bradley. 2015. A markovian analysis of vigilance behavior in yellow-bellied Marmots (Marmota flaviventris).
61. Kacie 'Hog Slayer' Bauman. 2015. Strategies for feral hog control on Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
62. Kevin Haupt. 2016. Early-life history of bigheaded carps in the Middle Mississippi RCo-advised with Quinton Phelps at the MDC Large Rivers Lab. ver and the associated major tributaries. Co-advised with Quinton Phelps at the MDC Large Rivers Lab.
63. Benjamin Calvert. Allometric effects on the functional morphology of the dentary in Sus scrofa.
64. Nicholas Kramer. 2016. Application of Mark-Recapture data to Determine Sustainability: Case Studies on Two Paddlefish Populations in Missouri. Co-advised with Quinton Phelps at the MDC Large Rivers Lab.
65. Christopher Schwinghamer. 2017. Paddlefish reproductive ecology in Missouri Reservoirs. Co-advised with Quinton Phelps at the MDC Large Rivers Lab.
66. Seth Love. 2016. Environmental effects on Pallid Sturgeon life history attributes in the Missouri and Middle Mississippi Rivers. Co-advised with Quinton Phelps at the MDC Large Rivers Lab.
67. Mike Wolf. 2017. Invasive Carp in the Upper Mississippi River basin.
68. John Buszkiewicz. 2016. Documentation of Lake Sturgeon recovery and spawning success from a restored population in the Mississippi River, Missouri, USA. Co-advised with Quinton Phelps at the MDC Large Rivers Lab.
69. Jake Fernholz. 2017. Influence of PIT tags on growth and survival of banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae): Implications for endangered grotto scuplin (Cotto specus).
70. Lacy Dolan. 2017. Evolution of dentary and scapular shape in foxes: Are gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) unique?
71. Kaitlynn Baldwin.
72. Lindsey Luebbers. 2018. Locomotor Performance in Equus caballus.
73. Ben Westfall. Functional morphology of the White-tail dentary.
74. Kendra Vazquez Molina. 2019. Gap bridging kinematics in colubrid snakes.
75. Edward Sterling. 2018. Population demographics of Smallmouth Bass and Rock Bass in Missouri Ozark streams
76. Wesley Sleeper. 2019. Black carp reproductive ecology: Documenting reproductive success of a novel invader.
77. Tyler Ham. 2017. Elucidating mechanisms structuring crappie recruitment in the Middle Mississippi River.
78. Joshua Abner. 2018. Latitudinal trends in freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) population dymanics along the upper Mississippi River.
79. Mark Chowning. 2020. Establishing a sampling protocol and investigating the life history of the federally endangered grotto sculpin (Cottus specus) in the Karst systems of Perry County, Missouri.
80. Kevin Lambert. 2019. Enhancing management of post-stocked Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) by investigating gear detection.
81. Neil Baalman. 2019. A landscape conservation design for the Middle Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge.
82. Raj Prasai. 2019. Passive monitoring of southern flying squirrels, Glaucomys volans.
83. Dustin Broaddus. 2020. Exploitation of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in Missouri Reservoirs.
84. Thomas Devine. 2019. Paddlefish exploitation and movements within the Mississippi River basin.
85. Joey Root. 2020. Management evaluation of white bass (Morone chrysops) population dynamics and exploitation in a south-central Missouri reservoir.
86. Jonathan Twyman. Species of conservation concern and invasive species inventory in the southeast region of Missouri.
87. Heidi McMullin. Discrimination of Southern and Northern Flying Squirrel calls.
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